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Team E.C.C.O. has worked pro bono in conjunction with leadership in both the Federal Executive and Legislative branches of government.  Including but not limited to 30 Congressional offices and Congressional caucus on Multicultural media Congressional Black Caucus Congressional Asian Pacific American caucus Congressional Hispanic caucus and try caucus members as well as various nonprofits.

Television Studio




Creative Executives worked with top rated shows to create deeper more complex characters and story "dives" about issues presented at Federal level Executive Branch meetings. 


Team ECCO worked with HBO and a leading member of Congress to create See it Be it. Interview vignettes with people of color and women who work in the entertainment industry. The video platform link was disseminated to high school students from underrepresented and/or lower socioeconomic backgrounds who had an interest in working in the entertainment industry.

See It Be It


ECCO members helped foster the creative integration of issues facing the nation in their content. 

Commercials: members created shorts commercials and other related content. 

Requested tweets: Members of ECCO leverage their vast "Rolodex" to tweet out information.

Targeted emails: Echo member sent out targeted emails.


A few of our Congressional projects included:


  • Cyber Security and the Internet

  • Mental Health Awareness

  • Media Mergers

  • Deported Veterans

  • Violence Targeting South Asians, Muslims, and Sikh individuals

  • Menstrual Equality for All Act 

  • Lack Diversity Behind the Camera

  • Affordable Care Act

  • Women in Science

  • Immigration

  • Criminal Justice


ECCO members in our convention - campaign division managed caucuses, directed logistics counted caucus votes and book talent. A contingency of writers (including WGA members) supported writing requests editing of biographies and writing speeches for campaigns. ECCO members also canvas and worked phone banks in five states.

but were not limited to

Mental Health Awareness

Booked rappers who had an interest or experience with mental illness.


Media Mergers

Wrote "white papers" on the effects of large-scale and their effects on minority owners for a congressional committee.


Congressional Asian History Month Event

Booked talent Asian History month events. Set up meetings with development executives to discuss storylines of Asian-American and Immigration issues. 


Panel above and below line in the entertainment industry briefing

Participated in panel and answer questions of congressional staff inner workings of Television industry challenges of minorities within that industry.


National Meeting of African-American Girls

Panel members and caucus leaders served as panel members. 


Latino Caucus (House/Senate)

Discussed issues of Latin's in the entertainment industry and what can be done to help them


My Sentence Video Series (Executive Branch)

Created a Facebook series with A-list talent. Generated discussions around commutes and the need for sentencing reform (Facebook).


See it Be it

Changed the socioeconomic outlook for minority students in the state of California and Nationwide by exposing them to jobs and careers within the television industry. Videos -one-on-one interviews with people of color and women discussing their jobs within entertainment and how they obtain them. Final videos owned by HBO.


National Conventions

Assembled a contingency of writers (including WGA members) who supported writing requests such as writing and editing of bios and speeches for caucuses at the convention.


Managed caucuses, directed logistics,counted caucus votes


Canvassed and phone banked in five states.


Translated (spanish) upon request for the convention and caucuses.


Assisted with last minute talent booking; speakers.


Hispanic Heritage Month (Executive Branch; House/Senate)

Provided Hispanic outreach assistance assist through Twitter and other social media.


Indigenous Alaska Heritage

Assistanted in disseminating information through social media and other OTT outlets regarding the Native American tradition of  whales disseminating and the hate mail that led to a mental health crisis and attempted suicide of a teenager in Alaska.


Midwest Indigenous Native American Tribes And Nations (House/ Senate)

Assisted with narrative building to assist members of the Congressional and Senate caucus craft outreach initiatives for indigenous people. Democrat and Republican supported bills and initiatives.


Eliminate Taxes On Menstrual Products [Period Tax]

Assisted by offering suggestions on how to disseminate the information about the proposed Bill throughout the United States.


Stimulate National Discussions On Various Issues Including But not Limited To Criminal Justice Reform, Jobs, Housing, Education, And Immigration And STEAM (Executive Branch)

Introduced issues to be embedded in storylines of various Fox network shows.


Develop A List And Outreach Strategy for Contacting Athletes For Initiatives (Executive Branch)

Brought sports figures who were interested in Executive initiatives to a national meeting at the White House.


Briefed Members of Congress on the Effects of Social/Digital Media Restrictions 

Provided greater insight to the impact of various social media digital bills heading to Congress 


Meeting With Staff Members of the Congressional Asian Caucus


Helped With A Story Regarding Military Veterans Who Are Undocumented And Deported To Mexico

Handled requests for (1) film crew to interview veterans in Mexico, (2) to write of interview questions

(3) Offered a plan on how to disseminate story.


Securing General Surrogate For National Youth Day

Booked singers and moderators for the celebrities involved in heightened media and public awareness of issues and events. Surrogates heightened media and public awareness of issues and events


Tri-Caucus Members Support

ECCO members signed up to act as consultants for members of the try caucus; fielding phone calls and editing correspondence.


Affordable Care Act (Executive Branch)

Video starring John Leguizamo including  information about Affordable Care Act signup. Distributed on Telemundo, Mitu, local NBC and ABC stations and John Leguizamo’s social media.

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